Seattle’s affordable public speaking class

Dave holds a stopwatch

It’s time for the meeting to start.

If you are like most people in Seattle, public speaking class training is not your favorite pastime. Yet survey after survey shows that presentation skills are crucial to success in the work place. Here is a public speaking class tip. The person with strong communication skills has a clear advantage over tongue-tied colleagues – especially in a competitive job market. Many people pay thousands of dollars for Seattle public speaking class to gain the skill and confidence necessary to face an audience.

From one public speaking class club started in 1924 at the YMCA in Santa Ana, California, Toastmasters has grown to become the world’s leading organization helping people conquer their pre-speech jitters. Since that first speaking club was organized by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, nearly four million men and women have enjoyed the benefits of Toastmasters speaking club membership. The nonprofit organization now has approximately 211,000 members in 10,500 clubs in 90 countries.