Observe a Public Speaking and Leadership Meeting

We love guests!  Our club is open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend.  Here is what you can expect at your first meeting:DSC_3063 copy

  1. Welcomed by a member – when you first arrive, one of our members will introduce themselves and find you a seat.  You will be given a name tag and an agenda for the meeting.
  2. Introductions – at the start of the meeting, members will introduce themselves to each other and to guests.  As an observer, you will be given the option to introduce yourself or be introduced by a club member.
  3. Optional evaluation opportunity – During the meeting, members will deliver prepared presentations to the group.  After each presentation, members and guests are given the option to provide anonymous written feedback to the presenters.
  4. Optional speaking opportunity – During the meeting, members and guests will be given the option to give an impromptu response to a question.  The questions typically relate to the meeting theme.  For example you might be asked, “what season do you enjoy the most and why?”  Responses are typically 30 to 60 seconds and participation is optional for guests.
  5. Provide club feedback – at the conclusion of the meeting, the president will ask all guests if they enjoyed the meeting and if there was anything they found useful.
  6. Membership application & information sheet – once the meeting adjourns, a member will ask you if you’d like to become a member. You will get an application for membership and an informational sheet about our club. This sheet includes specifics about membership fees and provides contact information the appropriate officers to help you with becoming a member and answering questions about the club.