The Role of Toastmaster

Each meeting at Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters has a meeting host and facilitator. It’s the Toastmaster’s job to fill this role.

Prior to the meeting

  1. Send an email to the members involved in next meeting. Include the meeting, theme, and role assignments. Specifically ask each speaker for the following:
    • Speech title
    • Manual & project number
    • Speech objectives
    • Speech time requirements
    • How they’d like to be introduced
  2. Create an agenda for the meeting using templates at top of this page.
  3. Prepare a script for the meeting (download example)

At the meeting

  1. Arrive early
  2. Sit near the lectern
  3. Distribute the prepared agenda
  4. Check-in with each speaker; ask for any last-minute changes

During the meeting

  1. Announce any changes to the agenda
  2. Ask the Timer and Grammarian to explain their role
  3. Introduce each Speaker, the Table Topics Master, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator
  4. Ask the Grammarian to provide their report
  5. Lead the applause before and after each speaker
  6. Return control to the club President

After the meeting

Send copy of agenda, with any modifications, to the  VP of Education. (If you have a camera phone, you can just snap a clear photo of it and email it.)