The Timer Role

Each segment of a Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters meeting is timed.  The timer’s job is to document how long each segment runs.

Prior to the meeting

  1. Confirm the time requirements for each speaker
  2. Prepare an explanation of the role
  3. Print out a timer’s worksheet (download)

At the meeting

  1. Obtain the stopwatch and timing cards
  2. Become familiar with the stopwatch
  3. Sit near the back so your timing signals won’t be a distraction to the meeting
  4. Asking each speaker if s/he has any special requests on when each should be displayed while they speak

During the meeting

  1. Explain and demonstrate the role when introduced (script on timer’s worksheet)
  2. Time each speaker and signal the Toastmaster / Table Topics Master if the speaker has gone over time
  3. Record each participant’s name and time used
  4. Announce the speaker’s name and time if/when called on by the Toastmaster/Table Topics Master
  5. State the names of those eligible for awards: Best Evaluator, & Best Table Topics response
    Note: Table topics responses must be +/- 15 seconds of the allotted time
    prepared  speeches must be +/- 30 seconds of the allotted time.

After the meeting

  1. Return the stopwatch and timing cards
  2. Dispose of the timing worksheet (Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters does not keep a history of speech timings)